Position Descriptions

Duties of the Officers:

President:  Presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors of which the president is the non-voting Chair.  Appoints all committees (except the nominating committee) and serves as ex-officio member of all committees. Maintains all permanent records of the Club. Acts as liaison with The Association of Former Students.  Must be a former student of Texas A&M University.

President-Elect:  Presides at meetings in the absence of the President.  Serves on the Executive Committee.  Assists the President as needed. Prepares a Club membership directory to make it easy for new and current members to obtain information about Club meetings and activities in coordination with the Vice President of Activities/Programs.

Immediate Past President:  Serves as part of the Club’s Executive Committee.

Vice-President/Activities-Programs:  Oversees and appoints Chairs for programs such as: Texas Independence Day, Aggie Muster, Summer BBQ Social, Bonfire, and other special events.  Functions as the liaison with The Association’s Club Programs Office.  Works in conjunction with the Vice-President of Social Media to ensure events are included in the monthly newsletter and on the club’s website.  Creates and send out invitations to Club events and maintains club membership lists provided by the President-Elect

Vice-President of Social Media – Overseas and puts out the Club’s Monthly News Letter; highlighting the activities of upcoming and past events.  Coordinates with The Association to ensure the Club’s Website maintains up-to-date information about the club.  Works with the Vice-President of Activities/Programs to ensure events are included in the monthly newsletter and on the club’s website.

Vice-President/Finance:  Serves as treasurer of the Club; develops annual Club budget in coordination with the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and other Club officers.  Maintains the status of the Club’s Endowed Scholarship information in coordination with the Vice-President of Scholarships.  The total’s for the Endowed Scholarship will be provided monthly to Vice-President of Social Media to be included on the Website and in the monthly Newsletter.

Vice President of Scholarships – Leads the club’s fundraising plans for sustaining and growing relationships with individual donors and corporations of all levels.  Will coordinate all scholarship activities associated with the Association as designated by the Club President.  Working in partnership with the VP of Finance to complete monthly reconciliations of contributions from individuals and managing revenue projections.  Ensure gift processing of all donations into the donor management database and generate timely acknowledgment letters.  Maintaining accurate and complete records of donor communications. Preparing regular reports on all fundraising activities

Article VI


Section 1/Directors:

The Board of Directors shall consist of at least three, and preferably nine members.  The President shall be a non-voting Chair of the Board of Directors and preside at all meetings of the Board.

Section 2/Method of Nomination:

Each year, in advance of the election, the Executive committee shall appoint a nominating committee to prepare a slate of directors to manage the Club for the following year.  Only one person will be selected for each vacancy, but provision will be made on the ballot for write-in candidates.

Section 3/Method of Election:

The Directors shall be elected by membership ballot prior to the beginning of each calendar year and shall assume their position on January 1, following their election.  The Directors shall be elected for staggered terms, three years in length; with at least one, and preferably three vacancies being filled each year; however, the remaining two (or preferably six) Directors will continue to serve only if re-nominated each year for continued service in their term of office.

Section 4/Responsibility of Directors:

Provide overall plans, policies and guidelines for the Club; and oversee the actions of the officers.  Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Article VII

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President.  The Executive Committee shall meet at any time, and shall guide the annual activities of the Club.  In instances where a meeting of all Directors is impractical, the Executive Committee may take action on its own, subject to the responsibility of the Executive Committee to make a full report of such actions at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors; and further subject to the limitation that the Executive Committee may not spend funds in excess of $                 without Board approval.